Under the Patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates.


International Agents


Contact: Ms. Katharina Staszczyk
Organisation: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Address: Advantage Austria, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, A-1045 Vienna
Telephone: 43 5 90 900 4396
Mobile: 43 5 90 900 4396
Email: Katharina.Staszczyk@wko.at


Contact: Mr. Evan Read, Assistant Director
Organisation: Team Defence Australia
Address: Australian Defence Export Office, Canberra ACT 2600
Telephone: 61 402 864 146
Email: evan.read1@defence.gov.au


Contact: Ms. Gulsum Rzayeva, Head of Military - Technical Cooperation Department
Organisation: Ministry of Defence Industry of the Azerbaijan Republic
Address: Matbuad Ave-40, Baku ZA1141
Mobile: 994 50 678 4151
Email: htesh@mdi.gov.az


Contact: Ms. Elena Guruleva, Head of Marketing
Organisation: JSC Beltechexport
Address: 86-B, Nezavisimosti avenue, 220012, Minsk
Telephone: 375 517 369 8383
Mobile: 375 17 389 0533
Email: guruleva@bte.by


Contact: Ms. Valerie otten, Business Group Leader
Organisation: BSDI
Address: Boulevard Auguste Reyers, Brussels 1030
Telephone: 32 2 706 8148
Mobile: 32 495 13 2269
Email: valerie.otten@agoria.be


Contact: Mr. William Yang, Sales Manager
Organisation: Horizon Expo Co., Ltd.
Address: 209, Building 8, Caoqiaodonglu Rd, Fengtai Dist, Beijing 100068
Telephone: 86 1851 361 2527
Mobile: 86 1851 361 2527
Email: yangtw@chgie.com; 329409673@qq.com


Contact: Mr. Steve Hillier, Associate Vice President Bus. Dev.
Organisation: CADSI
Address: 251 Laurier Avenue West Suite/Bureau 300 Ottawa, ON K1P 5J6
Telephone: 1 613 235 5337 *22
Mobile: 1 613 8090336
Email: steven@defenceandsecurity.ca


Contact: Ms. Stipe Dzapo, Expert Associate
Organisation: Croatian Chamber of Economy
Address: Draskoviceva 45, HR-10000 Zagreb
Telephone: 385 1 4606 722
Email: sdzapo@hgk.hr

Czech Republic

Contact: Kristyna Stejskalova, Project Manager
Organisation: Defence & Securtiy Industry association of the Czech Repulic
Address: Washingtonova 25, Prague 1
Mobile: 420 732 150 837
Email: stejskalova@aobp.cz


Contact: Tiina Tuisk, Project Manager
Organisation: Enterprise Estonia
Address: Lasnamäe 2,11412 Tallinn
Telephone: 372 627 9433
Mobile: 372 5306 4297
Email: tiina.tuisk@eas.ee


Contact: Ms. Salla Salonen, Account Manager
Organisation: Wulff Entre
Address: Finlaysoninkuja 9, 33210 Tampere
Telephone: 358 50 4017455
Mobile: 358 50 4017455
Email: salla.salonen@wulffentre.com


Contact: Mr. David ROUKOZ, Deputy Sales Director
Organisation: COGES
Address: 65 rue de Courcelles 75008 Pairs
Telephone: 33 1 4414 6482
Mobile: 33 6 81 98 73 52
Email: d.roukoz@cogesevents.com


Contact: Ms. Saskia Ohm, Project Manager
Organisation: CCO Creative Consulting GmbH
Address: Sonnenstrasse 10 D-85622 Fildkirchen
Telephone: 49 89 9009 8357
Mobile: 49 171 5535 684
Email: Saskia.ohm@cco-germany.eu


Contact: Cpt (HAr) Vasileios BEZAITIS, Staff Officer - GDDIA-ODC Liaison
Organisation: Hellenic Ministry of National Defence
Address: General Directorate for Defence Investments & Armaments, International Relations Department
Telephone: 30 210 746 6292
Mobile: 30 695 800 3008; 30 694 647 9759
Email: v.bezaitis@gdaee.mil.gr; vasileios.bezaitis.ird@gmail.com


Contact: Mrs. Ida De Mari, CEO
Organisation: Ediconsult International
Address: Piazza Fontane Marose 3 16123 Genova
Telephone: 39 010 583 684
Mobile: 39 348 979 2572
Email: fiere@ediconsult.com


Contact: Mr. Hojin, Regional Manager
Organisation: Korea Defence Industry Association "KDIA"
Address: Do-Hwadong, Mapo-gu, Seoul
Telephone: 82 10 4907 7930
Mobile: 82 2 3270 6059
Email: hjyoon@kdia.or.kr


Contact: Polina Valeeva
Address: Str. Stromynka 27 Moscow 107076
Telephone: 7 495 739 6017
Mobile: 7 495 785 8301
Email: valeeva@roe.ru

Saudi Arabia

Contact: Mr. Abdullah Bin Zaraah
Organisation: General Authority for Military Industries (GAMI)
Address: Abu Bakr Siddiq Road, Altaawun Dist, Riyadh
Mobile: 966 55 545 4082
Email: abinzaraah@gami.gov.sa


Contact: Mr. Aleksandr Lijakovic, Assistant Director General
Organisation: Yugoimport - SDPR
Address: Bulevar umetnosti 2, Bwlgrade 11000
Telephone: 38 11 2224 211
Mobile: 381 62 8889 662
Email: fdsp@eunet.rs

Slovak Repulic

Contact: Mr. Vladimir Schrötter, Managing Director
Organisation: S.G.S. – EXPO, s.r.o.
Address: Sintavska 26 85105 Bratislava
Telephone: 421 2 6353 7084-5
Mobile: 421 905 324 399
Email: vlado.schrotter@gmail.com


Contact: Mr. Matjaz rovan, Area Secretary
Organisation: Spirit Slovenija, Publicy Agency
Address: Verovskova Ulica 60, Ljubljana SI-1000
Telephone: 386 1 5891 870
Mobile: 386 1 5309 828
Email: matjaz.rovan@spiritslovenia.si

South Africa

Contact: Ms. Michellen Nxumalo, Marketing & Reserce Manager
Organisation: The Department of Trade & Industry South Africa (thedti)
Address: 77 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside Pretoria 0002
Telephone: 27 12 394 1886
Mobile: 7 12 394 1886
Email: michellen@amd.org.za


Contact: Mr. Antonio TEROL, Managing Director
Organisation: Antonio Terol
Address: c/Miguel Angel 6 E-28010 Madrid
Telephone: 34 91 310 2998
Mobile: 34 620 92 6603
Email: antonio@terolgarcia.e.telefonica.net


Contact: Mr. Montasir H. al fadni, Executive Office Manager
Organisation: MIC Holding co. (MIC - SUDAN)
Address: Khartoum North, Kafouri, Kassala Street, Khartoum 10783
Telephone: 24 91 8718 9203
Mobile: 24 91 2300 0815
Email: fadni@mic.sd; al-fadni@hotmail.com


Contact: Iryna Serdyuk, Head, Information, Analytics and International Cooperation.
Organisation: The State Concern "UKROBORONPROM"
Address: 36 Dekhtyarivska Str, Kyiv, 04119
Telephone: 380 44 458 4681
Email: Iryna.Serdyuk@ukroboronprom.com

United Kingdom

Contact: Christine Gomm, Head of Event Operations
Organisation: ADS Group Ltd
Address: ShowCentre, ETPS Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6FD
Telephone: 44 207 091 1144
Mobile: 44 7825 712532
Email: christine.gomm@adsgroup.org.uk

United States

Contact: Mr. Michael Cerami, International Sales Manager
Organisation: The Association of the U.S. Army
Address: 2425 Wilson Blvd Arlington, VA 22201
Telephone: 703-907-2413
Mobile: 571-594-6050
Email: Mcerami@ausa.org